Careers in Natural Resources Initiative

Needs Assessment & Identifying Common Metrics
The Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education (CAEE) and Colorado Youth Corps Association (CYCA) serve as lead agencies for the Career in Natural Resources Initiative (CNRI). They work collaboratively to create more pathways and opportunities for youth and young adults – regardless of background or education – to be educated, prepared, and qualified to enter and maintain professional, sustainable natural resource careers.
Evaluation Approach
As the backbone organization to the CNRI network, CAEE and CYCA sought to understand how best to meet the evolving needs of network members and expand diverse youth’s career exposure and opportunities in natural resources. The evaluation included identifying the common metrics for data collection and sharing between partners, as well as providing information to help CAEE and CYCA strengthen their role in supporting the initiative’s partnerships.
Evaluators used surveys to discern how and what data were collected across all partner institutions. Surveys were followed by focus groups to gain insight on partners’ needs, visions of programmatic success and overall satisfaction with the support and resources provided by CAEE and CYCA.
October 2017
Youth and young adults from diverse backgrounds who are interested in pursuing a career in natural resources