Community Programs
Cannabis Prevention Education Project

The Evaluation Center’s two primary roles on the project are to 1) support the state’s prioritizing high need rural communities and conduct a community level needs assessment of cannabis prevention education and 2) conduct an evaluation of the cannabis prevention education trainings provided.
Originally designed as a needs assessment and summative evaluation, the nature of the collaboration necessitated that the evaluation take on a developmental approach. Evaluators facilitate data interpretation discussions with training experts, prevention experts, and community champions to collaborate on intervention design and delivery. Flexibility, data-driven decision making, and iterative and collaborative processes ensure alignment with unique community strengths, needs and context. The evaluation data are collected through surveys, in-depth interviews, and focus groups.
March 2018 – Ongoing
Professionals working with youth in rural Colorado communities
- Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center